August 29, 2020
Letters, Nebraska

Mile set back needed for wind turbines

Letters | Beatrice Daily Sun | Aug 28, 2020 |

The economic benefits of an industrial wind development that may be built, or the loss of the economic benefits from the new homes and families that would have moved to Gage County if there was not an industrial wind project is not what is being decided by the Gage County Board of Supervisors.

Right now before the county board of supervisors is a text amendment written to set safe setbacks for all the of people of Gage county .

The Gage County wind regulations were last up dated in March of 2016, since then the turbines have gotten taller and bigger .

There is also a lot of new information and many new studies have been written on the health effects from the infrasound , shadow flicker , and the loss of property values from industrial wind turbines being sited to close to homes.

These and many more concerns from the people of Gage County are what the Board of Supervisors are going to have to consider when they vote on the text amendment that is before them .

A one mile set back will keep industrial wind turbines from being cited in populated areas and so protect the health and property rights of the people of Gage County.

Larry Allder, Cortland

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