May 5, 2020
Letters, Massachusetts

Toll taken by Hoosac Wind

The Berkshire Eagle | May 4, 2020 |

On a Sunday in late April, Hoosac Wind was noisy into the early morning hours of the following Monday. I called the neighbor concern line for Iberdrola/Evangrid around 2 a.m. after not being able to sleep because of noise and vibrations from the project in our bedroom. Lois wasn’t able to sleep either and we both got up this morning very tired and feeling beat!

This is three calls to the line by me since Feb. 20 with no response. Am I to think there will no longer be any response from Iberdrola/Evangrid, and is this acceptable? It is evident neighbors have given up on calling the line from lack of response and due to tainted protocol. I don’t blame anyone for this exercise in futility. It’s happened to me on various occasions, not wanting to waste time for nothing and become more frustrated. Neighbors had the three calls and your out which inhibited calling the line. I intend to continue to call any time I’m kept from sleep because of noise from Hoosac Wind and make known what is going on.

I’ve been called a rabble-rouser and told my e-mails are angry by MassDEP. What if you were walking in my shoes? I was recently diagnosed with lymphoma for the third time since 2015 and beginning treatment with many trips to Boston which take six hours round trip. We leave at 4:30 a.m. for a series of tests that begin at 7:30 and I’m beat already, then Thursday repeat again! As if what is going on with virus isn’t enough, I am dealing with cancer and noise from Hoosac Wind and not sleeping well.

I’m not suggesting my disease is being caused from Hoosac Wind, but it but has taken a toll and has inhibited my battles with cancer during the last five years! Also being treated as if I’m making complaints for nothing or no problem does make me angry! It is well documented that sleep disturbances lower the immune system and cause a general decline of health over time. It’s been over eight years now and I’m not the only neighbor who has issues because of Hoosac Wind and noise and vibrations!

Sound testing at Hoosac Wind so far has been manipulated to lower sound levels measured in various ways including having up to 3 turbines running during ambient sound measurements. This is not acceptable, nor is it scientific and the facts will be forthcoming.

Larry Lorusso,


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