February 6, 2020
Press releases, Wyoming

“Protect Ames Monument” discovers turbine locations

Protect Ames Monument | protectamesmonument.org

“Protect Ames Monument” Discovers Turbine Locations

Rail Tie Wind Project Developers ConnectGen Disingenuous About Tower Locations

[Laramie, WY, February 7th] – The citizen’s group, Protect Ames Monument, has confirmed that ConnectGen filed 151 separate applications with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), each showing the locations and heights of the turbines that make up the Rail Tie wind energy facility proposed for Albany County. At 679-feet tall from base to blade tip, the Rail Tie turbines will be the tallest proposed in the United States. 

“The FAA applications were filed on October 17, 2019, a full three months prior to the January Public Scoping meetings,” said Paul Montoya, a resident of the Ames Monument Ranch subdivision. “Yet, ConnectGen representative, Amanda McDonald, insisted at the meetings that the turbine locations were not determined. It’s disingenuous for ConnectGen to pretend there isn’t a known project layout.” 

When plotted using Google Earth, the group found turbines were situated as close as 1,689 feet to area houses, well under Albany County’s setback distance of 5.5 times turbine height.  

“The risks of siting turbines including noise, shadow flicker, ice and blade throw, and fire are well known risks. Our members expect transparency from ConnectGen when it comes to their safety,” Mr. Montoya stated.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2020/02/06/protect-ames-monument-discovers-turbine-locations/