November 19, 2019
Letters, Missouri

Group just wants zoning regulations

Your letters, Nov. 19, 2019 | St. Joseph News-Press |

The editorial in the Nov. 16 News-Press took Friends of Buchanan County to task for saying wind power plants are not compatible with best land use in this county, while at the same time we call for a 1-mile setback between turbines and property lines.

If they’re not compatible, how could we also favor a regulation allowing them? This should not be difficult to understand. We think 60-story turbines are not a good fit for a county as densely populated as ours.

But if the County Commissioners open the door to them, we want zoning regulations that keep them as far as possible from our homes, schools, farms and businesses. We are simply asking the commissioners to protect our county, whichever way they do it.

Barry Birr

Easton, Missouri

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