September 6, 2019
Letters, New York

‘They call it green’

The Post-Journal | Sep 6, 2019 |

The devastation in Cherry Creek has begun. Out of town workers are removing vast swaths of forest from land adjacent to state land and the Eastside Overland Trails on Boutwell Hill. Charlotte is next.

This is the Cassadaga Wind Project.

They call it green. Clearing forest to be replaced with 37 industrial wind turbines. Each industrial turbine is made of 900 tons of steel, 2500 tons of concrete and 45 tons of non recyclable plastic. Steel is made of iron ore and carbon created at very high temperatures only achievable by burning gas or coal.

When the NY Independent System Operator points out that an upgrade of the electrical grid would garner 30% more electricity from already existing power sources, why would you invest billions to produce so little power? NYISO also states,” Inland wind sites in NY … effective capacities … are about 10%, due to both the seasonal and daily patterns of the wind generation being largely ‘out of phase’ with the NYISO load patterns.”

Multiple studies show that the negative health effects from industrial wind turbine created infrasound are serious and that a wind turbine host community will experience an annual net economic loss from a wind project.

The NYS Constitution requires: “local officials protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community.”

No amount of money can replace the quality of life that is being jeopardized by the Wall Street scam known as wind energy.

Karen Engstrom,


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