August 23, 2019
Letters, Pennsylvania

Landowners can determine wind project future

Aug 21, 2019,

I hope the article about the potential wind project in Bedford Co. in the August 7, 2019, Bedford Gazette (“Turbine proposal discussed), was a wakeup call to what is literally on the horizon for residents of South Woodbury, East St. Clair, and Bedford Township (speciVcally in Dutch Corner). CPV Kettle Wind LLC is trying to obtain leases from landowners for wind turbines on top of Dunning and Evitt’s Mountains and right-of-way easements for an overhead transmission line from the top of the mountain down to the substation near Black Bear Lane.

If you are a landowner who has been approached by CPV, please consider the many negatives that are caused by a wind project: loss of property rights, decreased property values, noise, increased risk of fires, diminished quality of life, bird and bat kills, degradation of watersheds, etc. While renewable energy projects are much preferred to dirty fossil fuels, each project needs to be sited carefully to lessen impacts to the land and people. An industrial wind project on a forested mountain is not a suitable location when one weighs the positive impacts against the negative ones.

Fortunately, we know there are landowners who have refused to sign a lease or easement. This project is just in the early stages and it can be stopped if enough landowners refuse to sign leases or easements.

Dutch Corner residents worked hard for 9 years to obtain a most-worthy designation for their piece of paradise: the Dutch Corner Agricultural Historic District is in the National Register of Historic places, with the distinction of being the largest Agricultural Historic District in Pennsylvania.

The proposed project of 10-13 wind turbines over 400 feet tall will most assuredly compromise the historic integrity of this beautiful cove; it’s a hidden gem in Bedford County that has been described by one historic expert as “stepping into Brigadoon.” Industrial wind turbines would certainly destroy that “sense of place.”

Unfortunately, even a listing in the National Register can’t stop industrial wind projects. But you can. Call or email me if you are interested in helping to stop this proposed project. Laura Jackson: 814-652-9268 or Together we can make a difference.

Laura Jackson

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