August 8, 2019

Drop in tax revenue makes for tough decisions in Fisher County

Double Mountain Chronicle | 08/09/2019 [sic] |

For the first time in years, Fisher County commissioners are looking to levy taxes at the rollback rate, make significant budget cuts, or settle for a deficit budget this year. The primary contributing factor was the incredible drop in tax revenue expected from the wind farm this year.

For the past decade, Fisher County has received a payment in lieu of taxes for the Mozart Wind Farm. Although no longer receiving the $338,000 payment was expected, the county was not expecting the farm to receive a tax break when it had to begin paying taxes.

In the preliminary valuations, the county appraisal district (CAD) presented some weeks ago, the county was looking to receive over $1 million in tax revenue. However, the certified values released at the end of last month show a sharp drop, with the company paying only $285,000 in taxes.

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