July 16, 2019

District judge asked to be recused from wind project suit

The Chanute Tribune | July 15, 2019 | www.chanute.com

A Neosho County District Judge has asked to be recused from a controversial renewable energy project.

District Judge Daryl Ahlquist has asked to be recused from a civil suit seeking an injunction against Neosho Ridge Wind, a project to construct 139 wind-powered electrical generators on 44,000 acres leased in southwest Neosho County. Neosho Ridge is the only defendant with 45 non-leasing property owners as plaintiffs.

Ahlquist’s letter, dated Thursday, was filed Friday and sent to Chief Judge Daniel Creitz in Allen County. Ahlquist does not specify details but asks to be removed due to a conflict

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2019/07/16/district-judge-asked-to-be-recused-from-wind-project-suit/