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Nemaha County Commission 

Credit:  Submitted by Mary Kay Schultejans County Clerk | The Sabetha Herald | February 15, 2019 | sabethaherald.com ~~

Monday, Feb. 11

The Board of Nemaha County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, Feb. 11, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Nemaha County Courthouse. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Scoby leading the flag salute. Present also were Commissioners Tim Burdiek and Dennis Henry and County Clerk Mary Kay Schultejans recording the minutes.

Wind Farm

The county’s wind farm attorney, James Neeld, called to speak to commissioners by phone. Commissioners entered into a one-hour executive session to discuss attorney-client privileges. Present for the executive session was the Board of Commissioners, Attorney Neeld by phone and County Attorney Brad Lippert. The meeting returned to open session at 10:15 a.m., with no action taken by the board following the executive session.

Open discussion concerning the development of a wind farm in Nemaha County began at 10:20 a.m. Chairman Scoby announced that commissioners plan to meet at 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, with Attorney Neeld in executive session.

Scoby also stated that the county is still in negotiations with NextEra Energy Resources regarding the term sheet for the development of the Solider Creek Wind Farm.

Scoby said that commissioners plan to address the moratorium resolution presented at last week’s meeting at the time of the public hearing to approve the term sheet.

Lori Menold presented to commissioners copies of supporting documents from three Nemaha Valley Community Hospital physicians concerning the possible adverse health effects of living near commercial wind turbines.

Galen Ackerman presented to commissioners a revised copy of a House Bill that is currently being reviewed by state legislators, cited as the Wind Generation Permit and Property Protection Act.

Department Reports

Emergency Preparedness Director Russel Lierz advised the board that:

• He recently attended a pipeline meeting.

• He has been speaking with the Red Cross about starting a program with the schools in the county.

• He needs to purchase new manikins to be used for CPR Training and First Aid Training. Russel presented a quote in the amount of $556.48 for the purchase of four new manikins. Commissioners approved this purchase.

• He is now signed up for a new program with the National Weather Service that detects hot spots in the county.

• He had information for Commissioners to review concerning the Floodplain Manager position for Nemaha County.

Senior Services/Public Transit Administrative Assistant Marie Weaver and Senior Services/Public Transit Director Diane Yunghans by phone came before the board to let Commissioners know that they would like to hire Tamara Wittwer and Tom Kruger as part-time transportation drivers in Sabetha to replace Alan Hartter who is retiring. Wittwer will begin work for the county on Feb. 13 at a rate of pay of $13.53 per hour and Krueger will begin work on Feb. 21 at a rate of pay of $13.53 per hour as well. Yunghans also let commissioners know that they will be interviewing someone later this week for the open part-time position at the Nutrition Center.

Noxious Weed Director Mixie Vance advised the board that:

• She had truck bids for commissioners to review. Bids were received from Nemaha Valley Motors, Honeyman Ford and Aberle Ford. Following review of the bids, commissioners approved the purchase of a 2019 Dodge 1500 Classic Quad Cab pickup from Nemaha Valley Motors at a cost of $27,000.

• She would be available to speak to townships at the upcoming safety meeting about spraying roadsides along township roads.

County Attorney Brad Lippert came before the board. Commissioners spoke to Lippert about an open records request received in the County Clerk’s Office last week.

Also at the meeting:

The board reviewed a right-of-way easement request submitted by Blue Valley Telecommunications to bore under D Road just north of Highway 36. It was approved. Commissioners signed the request form as presented.

The board reviewed and approved the minutes from the Feb. 4 meeting, with the corrections noted.

The board reviewed vouchers submitted by the different departments to be paid at the middle of February.

Chairman Scoby signed add/abate orders as presented.

Commissioners held a special meeting on Thursday, Feb. 14.

Thursday, Feb. 14

The Board of Nemaha County Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, Feb. 14, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Nemaha County Courthouse. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Scoby leading the flag salute. Present also were Commissioners Tim Burdiek and Dennis Henry, and County Clerk Mary Kay Schultejans recording the minutes.

The county’s wind farm attorney, James Neeld, came before the board. Commissioners entered into a one-hour executive session until 10:40 a.m. to discuss attorney-client privileges. Present for the executive session were the Board of Commissioners, Attorney Neeld, and County Attorney Brad Lippert. At 10:40 a.m, Commissioner Henry moved to extend the executive session until 11 a.m. The meeting returned to open session at 11 a.m. with no action taken by the board following the executive session.

Their regular meeting was held on Tuesday, Feb. 19, due to the President’s Day holiday on Monday, Feb. 18. These minutes were not available at The Herald’s press time.

Source:  Submitted by Mary Kay Schultejans County Clerk | The Sabetha Herald | February 15, 2019 | sabethaherald.com

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