September 8, 2018
New York

Group rallies against Galloo Island Wind Project

WWNY | Friday, September 7, 2018 |

Signs are starting to go up in the Henderson area. A group is trying to rally everyone who’s against the Galloo Island Wind Project together in one place.

While in most views, Galloo Island is hidden, the windmills could make it very visible

The company Apex Clean Energy plans to build 30 wind turbines on the island, each around 600 feet tall.

“Taller than the statue of liberty, taller than the Washington monument,” said Dean Whitmer, president of the Henderson Business and Community Council.

Apex shares studies that wind farms don’t hurt property values and the company says it’s careful about the environment. People here see the wind turbines differently.

Whitmer is one of those putting on the rally. He fears, like many, property values will go down and people on vacation will go elsewhere.

“People are going to go somewhere where they can see a clear view, look at beautiful islands without looking at windmills,” he said.

Another concern is what happens to wildlife. Pictures of a supposed bald eagle’s nest on Galloo Island were submitted to the state’s Department of Public Service. The department is judging if the project gets the environmental green light.

“You don’t want to kill birds and bats,” said Claudia Maurer, an organizer for the rally.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation had no comment on the pictures. The group planning the rally on Sunday, October 7 is hoping people will share more of their stories with the Department of Public Service.

“Go to the DPS website and voice your concern before October 15. We all have an opportunity to make sure we’re doing that,” said Maurer.

The group is also raising money to pay for a lawyer and expert opinions.

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