August 31, 2018
Letters, Ohio

Wind turbines built on foundation of lies

The Advertiser-Tribune | Aug 31, 2018 |

A few years back, in order to retain a friendship, I decided I would go along and sign my property next to a friend up for a wind agreement so he, not me, could have a turbine. The agent told me I also would have to sign my other property a mile or so away (where I live) as well. I did not want turbines on my property, so I balked at this. They told me I was being obstinate and unreasonable and I was hurting other people, so I signed. They said they would pay me a small amount of money per year, but I wouldn’t have signed for 10 times that much if not for my friend. In fact, they paid me only once, and I have never received a scheduled payment since.

Now that the plans are out, I find that a turbine is going to be built right across the fence on my neighbor’s property and very close to my home. When I asked sPower how one could be built that close to me, they said it was because I had signed my home property up and agreed to a reduced distance from my house and property line. I told them I only signed this property because I was told I had to in order to help a friend a mile away. They asked who told me that and I gave them the names of the two agents I had dealt with. Then I was told those agents had been fired because they told so many lies. When I asked if they would remove the agreement because their agents had engaged in misrepresentation, they replied, “No.” From that point, I have no more respect for them than I do for the previous two agents or any professional liar.

I know of many people in my surrounding area that were convinced with very misleading information of all kinds to sign leases. They would like to get out of their leases but are being forced to renew against their will. Several have even seen on the plans that they will have turbines on their farm and receive several thousand dollars per year. But still they want out. Just because a lot of land is leased does not mean the owners support or want to be part of this scheme of lies any longer.

When people are lied to in order to take advantage of them, there is no amount of money that can make them accept the situation once they become aware. People who would do this to other people will never make for a good addition to our community. They can never be trusted to keep any promises in the operation of their business. A business must always treat its customers right, but we will never be the customers of these wind projects, merely objects to be used or obstacles in their way to be kicked aside. But, when you sign a deal with the devil by being misled or not, there is no turning back. To all considering signing any kind of wind lease (or good neighbor agreement), I have one word of advice: don’t.

Jim Hoffert,

Bloom Township

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