April 5, 2018
Indiana, Letters

Do we approve?

Letter: March 29, 2018 | Journal Review | Apr 4, 2018 | www.journalreview.com

I am the parent of a six-year-old little boy with Dravet Syndrome, Cerebral palsy and autism. Dravet Syndrome is a rare seizure disorder that appears in the first year of life and is characterized by frequent and difficult to control seizures. My son has had as many as 50 seizures in a day and some that last more than an hour. To say that this brings unique challenges to our lives would be an understatement.

I advocated for my son for five sessions to legalize CBD oil to help treat his seizures and we have had wonderful success. I advocated this past session to allow all Hoosiers the ability to purchase and utilize CBD oil for other ailments such as tremors, Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, anxiety, migraines, and arthritis. We again were successful.

After spending all that time at the Statehouse and successfully aiding in the passage of the 2014 hemp bill and the 2018 CBD oil bill, I have learned that I have a powerful story and a duty to my son to provide him with the very best life possible.

With that being said, I am concerned about the effects the current wind turbine project could have on my son and other members of our community that suffer disabilities.

In my research, I have learned that one of the largest complaints about the turbines is the undulating sound that is emitted. This can cause sleep disturbances. As someone who likes to sleep, I can tell you that sleep deprivation has a profound effect on my ability to function at work, driving and at home without the added stress of an added disability.

I have a stack of peer reviewed articles that also support the argument that epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism, ADHD, depression and mental illness are all exacerbated by sleep deprivation. Not could be exacerbated, are exacerbated.

This is a concern for many members of our community since I am sure that all of us know someone with one of these conditions. It is also a concern with the turbines being slated to begin construction near not only the Ability Services Inc. location that provides services to many disabled citizens, but also the recently announced autism school set to locate in the Commerce Park.

The wind supporters will say that these are minor inconveniences and sacrifices should be made in the interest of green energy. This statement is a very inconsiderate statement made by someone who has never had to deal with the upheaval and heartbreak that comes from caring for and loving someone with a disability. I can tell you first hand that my son did not ask to be born this way and he definitely does not deserve what he endures on a daily basis.

My son cannot speak, but I can and I will. For my son and all the other members of OUR community that cannot.

Miriah Mershon


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2018/04/05/do-we-approve/