December 16, 2017
Letters, Massachusetts

Let’s be green and ban wind turbines at once

The Berkshire Eagle | December 15, 2017 |

The courageous people of Savoy are to be applauded for bucking the green fever sweeping the state by voting not to extend the height of the industrial wind turbines proposed for that beautiful town.

Now is the time to go all the way and ban these industrial monoliths altogether, for they are neither “green” nor “clean” and will degrade the environment of this rural town, nestled in the heart of the green Berkshires.

To the good city folk promoting the “green revolution,” the environment is but an abstraction that must somehow be protected from the ravages of a perceived global warming. Living in the paved-over cities and tree-deficient suburbs, far away from the mechanical zombies they are proposing to inflict on the last vestiges of rural America, do they not understand what they will have wrought with their green “revolution”? Do they not understand the blasting away of mountain tops to make way for the 1,200 tons of concrete per turbine that will be poured into the deep gouges callously drilled into the peaceful green mantle of the once forested land that they somehow want to protect?

Do they not understand the impact of the towers, the height of city skyscrapers, made of 335 tons of steel forged from the “carbon” in a combustion process of thousands of degrees fueled by the fossil fuels which they purport to want to ban? Do they not understand the total devastation to the environment caused by the acid pumped into the ground and the radioactive waste produced for the mining of the neodymium and other heavy metals which provide the magnetic field through which generator in the turbine rotates?

Do they not understand the resulting perturbation of the air producing acoustic waves of high and low frequencies and varying amplitudes which the human ear perceives as the sound of a jet plane hovering over the same place and never leaving? Do they not understand the sleepless nights, the feelings of dizziness, nausea and sea sickness, all symptoms of vestibular disease caused by the high velocity waves emitted by the rotating blades?

Do they not understand the blinking red lights piercing through the once starlit night or the never ceasing roar of the spinning blades shattering the once pristine silence of the night?

And if none of these tap their conscience, do they not understand geopolitical struggles which they want to avoid for oil, but which are being waged in the far flung parts of the world to feed the unquenchable thirst for the heavy metals in the electronics of these “clean and green” energies.

Thanks again, Savoy. Our thoughts are with you!

Stephen Ryack,


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