November 29, 2017
British Columbia, Letters

Solar, wind power costly and unreliable

Letters to the editor (3): Wednesday, Nov. 30 | Penticton Herald |

Re: Site C

B.C. voters are misinformed concerning solar and wind-generated power. Because B.C. can generate clean hydro power, duplicating hydro power generation with solar and wind power generation is an absurd idea. It makes no environmental or economic sense to switch off hydro generation, to instead turn on high-priced solar and wind power.

BC Hydro power generation is capable of supplying continuous reliable electricity to homes and industry at an affordable cost. Reliable and affordable means the kitchen range, washing machine, gas pumps always work and food is on the table.

Manufacturing, installing, maintaining, replacing components of short life, 200-foot wind towers is a no brainer. The fictitious, trumped up “Go Green” economy does not exist. Go Green has not created or maintained thousands of permanent jobs nor will the Go Green concept provide millions of future jobs. A growing B.C. population and a growing economy require abundant, affordable and competitively priced hydro power generation.

Covering acres of land with solar panels prevents the absorption of carbon dioxide by trees, plants and vegetation. Solar panels are made of materials designed to absorb the maximum amount of sun radiation heat, adding unnatural atmosphere heating.

A true environmentalist would generate maximum hydro power and offer the surplus to western Canada and U.S.; in this manner we reduce fossil fuel use. Build Site C power generation.

Bruce Alton McGillis, Penticton

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