August 16, 2017

Massiv mangel på støtte kan være enden for mange vindmøller

Tirsdag d. 15. august 2017, Michael Korsgaard Nielsen,

[Massive lack of support may be the end of many wind turbines]

For Kenneth Lund og resten af Vildbjerg Vindkraft nærmer dagen sig, da vindmøllelaugets fem år gamle Vestas­-mølle ikke længere kan få støtte. Lidt over et år endnu, vurderer formanden, så skal vindmøllen producere el på den rene markeds­pris.

Lige siden man satte møllen op i 2012, har de 100 medejere i Vildbjerg Vindkraft vidst, at pristillægget ville udløbe, men Kenneth Lund er alligevel bekymret, for i 2016 tjente Vestas-møllen i gennemsnit 13 øre ind per kilowatttime – en halvering på tre år. Hvis elprisen holder det niveau, er det begrænset, hvor længe man kan og vil holde ud uden det nuværende pristillæg.

[For Kenneth Lund and the rest of Vildbjerg Vindkraft, the day approaches that their five-year-old Vestas wind turbine will no longer be supported. Just over a year ago, the wind turbine had to produce electricity at the clean market price. Ever since the turbine was erected in 2012, the 100 co-owners in Vildbjerg Wind Power have known that the price surcharge would expire, but Kenneth Lund is worried because in 2016, the Vestas mill earned an average of 13 øre per kilowatt-hour – half what it earned during the previous three years. If the electricity price stays at that level, it’s limited how long you can stay without the price surcharge.]

[rest of article available at source, by subscription]

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