April 29, 2017

Wind farm application sent to Scottish Government for further discussion

Pippa Smith, Reporter | Carrick Herald | www.carrickherald.com

An application for 22 wind turbines in Barrhill has been sent to the Scottish Government for further discussion.

A decision on the proposal for the construction and operation of a wind farm at Chirmorie was originally delayed for more information.

The information that was presented at last week’s Planning Panel was to construct and operate an 80WM windfarm, 5.5km south-west of Barrhill, holding a height, almost, of 150m.

Noise was the main focus of the previous rejections.

The council, in its former response, considered that it was “not possible to conclude that the proposal would ensure acceptable residential amenity arising from cumulative noise emissions without the submission of additional data.”

Accordingly, the panel, reserved its position on the matter pending submission of additional information.

Discussions between the council’s advisors on wind farm noise (ACCON) and the applicant have stated that, by ensuring Chirmorie generates noise levels at least 10dB lower than other nearby wind farms, no significant cumulative noise effects would result.

The assessment, provided by the applicant, shown that predicted operational noise levels from Chirmorie wind farm alone with a noise management scheme in place can meet a daytime limit of 30dB LA90 at all receptors.

A night-time limit of 33dB LA90 can be met with no noise reduced modes necessary with the candidate turbine model.

These limits were selected in order to demonstrate that noise levels could remain 10dB below the total consented noise limits applying to the surrounding wind farms.

John Esslement, from the Ayrshire Joint Planning Unit, said: “We considered this application last March and there was representations and objections on the proposal on the grounds of residential matters, noise, wildlife and carbon foot soils.

“Since March last year, we have received additional information, specifically relating to grounds of objections.

“Our advisors have advised that if the cumulative impact of the proposal was to be 10dB below the background noise then the proposal would be acceptable in terms of cumulative impact.

“Provided that was met, the grounds for the objection against the noise could be removed from the application.

“The other aspect of the proposal was the visual aspect, particularly related to areas which are 2km away from the site.

“The other grounds of of objection relate to the environmental matters – wildlife protection would be sufficient in the area.

“Clearly a route through Barhill would be completely unacceptable in terms of the impact on the village.

“Finally, in terms of archaeology bar, there are significant archaeology remains in the area and there are concerns, particularly with relation to the potential sites that may be uncovered.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2017/04/29/wind-farm-application-sent-to-scottish-government-for-further-discussion/