April 19, 2017
Illinois, Letters

More wind turbines not needed here

Letter: More wind turbines not needed here | Daily Chronicle | April 19, 2017 | www.daily-chronicle.com

I would like to pass along my dislike with the DeKalb County Board concerning them not listening to the people living close to the so-called wind farms.

We tried in the past to not have these large, ugly wind turbines placed so close to our property, but it did not get a good response from the County Board folks, most of whom do not live in the affected area, so what do they care what happens to us by getting a special use permit to get the wind turbines placed near people’s property?

I myself still have radio interference problems with the FPL turbines in Milan Township, which have never been completely resolved. I am an amateur radio operator, and now I have to look at the possible problems to my north with another wind farm being considered.

It is not very fair for the board members to approve test towers, which could result in another wind farm in this county, as we already have too many here. I would hope that the board members would consider the many problems that are also shown on YouTube with people complaining about the very many problems that they are having after the towers are put in place.

It should also be pointed out that during the many hearings we have had, people have brought up their many concerns with wind turbines and see mostly nobody in favor of the idea. I also would like to remind the board members that wind energy does not work on calm days and that the energy they generate cannot be stored for future use.

I am very thankful that we have a reliable source of electrical power unlike the intermittent, expensive wind turbines.

Ron Stefanskie


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2017/04/19/more-wind-turbines-not-needed-here/