February 9, 2017
Indiana, Letters

Stop wind farms in Clinton Co.

Lafayette Journal & Courier | Feb. 8, 2017 | www.jconline.com

We have a terrible disease running rampant In Clinton County. The disease is called “political bullying.”

The eastern side of Clinton County has been in a political fight regarding wind farming. In 2012 the seated commissioners stated, “No wind farming in Clinton County.” This decision was made, due to the majority standing up and stating, “No wind farming.”

This constituent did due diligence. In 2011 and 2012, I went to Benton County and to Tipton County on four particular trips. All I heard was discourse and argument regarding these monstrosities. I got my info on turbine failure, turbines catching fire, Noise, ice sheets being thrown from the wings, as well as homeowners losing real estate value due to living around wind farming.

I took this info before the meetings of the commissioners. Thus, the elected officials did their job and stopped wind farming.

Sadly, the same few farmers are fighting again to use their property for wind farming. The difference is the elected officials are not listening to the majority. Two of the farmers pushing for this mess are elected officials. Where is the conflict of interest? One continues to go door to door in his district, attempting to get farmers to sign contracts with E.ON Wind Energy. The last time I looked, this is still a nation of the people, by the people and ror the people.

Sad that’s not the way in Clinton County, Indiana.

Richelle Lutz


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2017/02/09/stop-wind-farms-in-clinton-co/