September 21, 2016
Iowa, Letters

Wind energy vs rural property rights

Emmetsburg News | September 20, 2016 |

After attending numerous meetings about wind energy it appears rural property rights are being overlooked in favor of the wind energy companies. The planning and zoning committee spend numerous hours researching and discussing the many factors that come into play regarding setbacks from rural residences, property lines, cemeteries, wildlife habitat, and towns.

Other issues such as shadow flicker and flashing lights were addressed and they did what they felt necessary to protect ones property rights with setback recommendations.

The depth of which electrical lines were to be buried to protect our county and private tile systems both now and in the future was addressed, and even after getting a recommendation from a county that has been through a wind farm project, this depth recommendation failed in favor of the energy companies.

Here lies the real issue, what we have heard from the energy companies is that these setbacks, shadow flicker, and depth of lines is not industry standards and will not work in their project. They have made these statements with no regard for rural citizen’s property rights or how it may affect their lives or property values.

It’s time for the wind energy companies to find a way to work with everyone not just those who choose to participate in their project. This may mean smaller projects, the way they are laid out, or that it won’t work at all in rural Iowa.

Let’s not forget many families have spent generations accumulating land and building a future for themselves and generations to come, only to see their property rights being taken away by WIND ENERGY. I feel it’s high time we go back to the drawing board and figure out what will work for everyone and not just the energy companies and those who choose to participate in a wind farm project.

Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for everyone’s tax dollars these projects would not even be talked about, much less being built.

Concerned rural citizens and property owners,

(signed) Dennis and Tony Meyer

Whittemore, IA

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