July 22, 2016

Wind farm construction confirmed as source of mysterious noise

20 July 2016 | www.worthingherald.co.uk

Late night noise heard by Worthing residents through the early hours of Tuesday, July 19 came from building work on the offshore windfarm.

Energy company E.ON, which owns the project, confirmed that the noise was due to ongoing construction off the Worthing coast.

Sounds came from foundation piling activities. They have been piling since February and are now working to investigate why the sound was an issue last night when it had not been particularly noticeable to date.

A spokesperson for the company said: “The particularly warm weather and calm seas experienced on Monday night undoubtedly contributed to the noticeable noise levels.

“These are major construction works and unfortunately there may be occasions when the activities are audible onshore. This will depend on a number of factors including weather, background noise levels, the size of the foundation and the nature of the seabed.”

E.ON has apologised for any inconvenience caused and will continue to monitor the situation over the coming weeks. They are also speaking to Adur and Worthing councils about the matter.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2016/07/22/wind-farm-construction-confirmed-as-source-of-mysterious-noise/