November 11, 2015

Councillors postpone decision on controversial windfarm planned for Culachy Estate at Invergarry

Written by Donna MacAllister | The Inverness Courier | 10/11/2015 |

A decision on controversial plans for a 13-turbine wind farm proposed for moorland below the Corrieyairack Pass, south of Fort Augustus, has been postponed.

Councillors on the south planning application committee today (Tuesday) have agreed to hold a site visit before reaching a decision.

The Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS) believes views from General Wade’s Military Road, which runs through the Great Glen, will be spoiled by turbines standing nearly 500ft high.

David Gibson, chief officer of the MCofS, said the scheme would intrude on a Wild Land area identified in Scottish planning policy as requiring a high level of protection.

However, the Glasgow-based renewable energy firm believes it has designed an ideal wind farm site that will make “a valuable contribution to Scotland’s renewable energy targets while minimising environmental and visual impacts”.

Planners recommended approval, despite 27 objections.

A date for the site visit is to be confirmed.

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