November 4, 2015

Clay County Against Wind Farms

KAUZ-TV | Posted: Nov 03, 2015 |

It was standing room only at a “Clay County Against Wind Farms” open meeting Tuesday night at the Brink Barn in Henrietta. John Greer and his family have lived in Henrietta for over 5 generations, Greer worries that more wind farms will mean more financial problems for those who live in and around Clay County.

“They come into these counties and a few people benefit financially while everybody else will suffer because of depressed land values around them, we just don’t believe that counties and county government should be getting involved in that type of business where they are granted tax abatement zones that will attract this type of thing again for the benefit of a few and a detriment to everybody else around them,” said John Greer.

At least two more wind farms are being proposed in Clay County, and Greer believes that there exists significant and growing opposition to these wind farms by land owners and residents. The nearly finished Shannon Wind Farm in southern Clay County was recently confirmed to be the main power source for a Facebook Data Center being built in Fort Worth. Greer believes that these deals won’t benefit the majority of those who live within the county.

Many of those in attendance could also be seen signing petitions against the construction of future wind farms in the county.

If you would like to learn more about the group CCAWF you can click the link below.

Clay County Against Wind Farms

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