November 3, 2015

WPD Canada takes province to court; seeking green light for turbine project

Turbine case heads to court | By Mariana McLeod | Bayshore Broadcasting News Centre | November 2, 2015 |

(Clearview Township ) –

The company behind plans to build an eight-turbine wind farm just west of Stayner is taking the provincial government to court, asking for an answer on whether the project can go ahead.

WPD Canada has been waiting nearly three years for a decision from the Ministry of the Environment.

The company’s application was deemed complete in December of 2013, and there has been no word yet from the province on whether the wind farm can be built.

Usually, the MOE makes a decision on whether to approve such projects within six months.

Two other energy projects by the same company have been approved by the province while they have been waiting for a decision on the Fairview project.

WPD has filed a motion for a hearing on the issue, and has a date of December 18th to go to court.

Meantime, Clearview Township council is in the process of finding out whether it can ask for intervener status at the hearing.

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