July 24, 2015

FAA: Proposed wind farm poses hazard to aviation

July 24, 2015 | www.kristv.com

The FAA has ruled that most of a proposed wind farm in Southern Nueces County could pose a hazard to aviation.

City leaders worked hard to block this wind farm eventually annexing a lot of the property out there to have more control over what built. Ironically the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has now blocked it on its own.

Apex, the company behind the project, wanted to build more than 200 wind turbines south of Corpus Christi.

The FAA has ruled that roughly half the structures pose a hazard because they could interfere with radar equipment at the airport. The company says it will re-apply to build a smaller wind farm consisting of fewer turbines.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2015/07/24/faa-proposed-wind-farm-poses-hazard-to-aviation/