May 1, 2015

Wind turbine opponents prepare for key meeting

Thursday, April 30, 2015 |

Anyone who has been following the struggle to oppose industrial wind turbines from locating in Dutton/Dunwich is probably looking forward to the May 27 council meeting.

That’s the date when Invenergy, the company proposing to locate wind turbines in Dutton/Dunwich will appear as a delegation before council.

It’s not clear yet what the purpose of the delegation will be, but it already has attracted the attention of Dutton Dunwich Residents Opposed to Turbines, the main group which represents citizens.

That group appeared before Dutton/Dunwich council last week to discuss details of studies which back up claims that turbines are linked to health hazards.

They brought with them copies of studies, Health Impacts in Two Local Wind Projects, reports compiled for Health Affected Wind Residents in the Kincardine area and Central Bruce Grey Wind Concerns. The study describes the health distress of approximately 20 households in that area ranging from pressure in the ears to residents feeling they were being forced to leave their homes for periods of time to escape the constant noise and other side effects of the turbines.

Other residents describe feelings of nausea, the fact their home “vibrates”, sleep deprivation and the effect of flicker.

Dairy farmers even reported their herds were producing less milk and animals were agitated.

Residents reported frustration seeking medical treatment for their problems or trying to get the company to mitigate the effect of the turbines

“It’s important be aware of the direct and adverse effect of the turbines,” said Bonnie Rowe, a spokesman for the residents who appeared before council.

“Those with health problems should have voices to be heard,” she said, referring to the case studies of Kincardine residents. “People felt isolated.”

Rowe pointed out in many cases, residents reported their problems eased up or disappeared when they were away from home and returned when they were back in their houses.

Cases like these underline why property values are down for affected areas, she said.

Worse yet, leases signed by the property owners which allowed the turbines to locate, forbid residents from discussing any effects from them.

Rowe asked whether residents would be able to submit questions to the wind turbine company when it appears before council. She also asked if that could be designated as a public meeting.

“It’s not a question-and-answer session,” Dep. Mayor Bob Purcell said.

Residents were told the delegation on May 27 is not the public meeting Invenergy is required to hold as a condition of its request for proposal that is part of its application.

Mayor Cameron McWilliam told the residents council and staff would consider their requests.

Council has been advised the turnout for the May 27 delegation in the public gallery could be large. Dutton/Dunwich has room for only 29-30 residents in the gallery section of its council chambers.

[rest of article available at source]

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