April 6, 2015
Letters, Maryland

Electrical Grid

April 6, 2015 | www.myeasternshoremd.com

In the April 2 Kent County News story, “Apex answers questions on wind farm,” Apex states the proposed industrial turbine field will be “generating enough clean renewable electricity to satisfy the annual electricity demand of all the homes in Kent County.”

Apex would lead us to think the wind-generated power for which we are sacrificing our beautiful vistas and degrading our property values will serve Kent County. In fact, the power will be fed to a regional power grid serving users from North Carolina to Michigan.

The electrical grid is coordinated by PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission organization, www.pjm.com. Power generated by the Apex project will be sold on a wholesale market to the highest bidder to be distributed to customers throughout the region. The turbines erected in Kent County might well be supplying the electrical needs of Jersey City, N.J.

There are more suitable clean energy options for Kent County than a 500-foot-high industrial wind turbine blight with a probable lifetime of 50 years. Our lush farms, historic properties and byways, and our wildlife are too valuable for us now and for future generations to surrender for Apex profits.

William Graham


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2015/04/06/electrical-grid/