April 4, 2015

Eric Pickles strikes blow on Kingerby wind turbine

Market Rasen Mail | Saturday 04 April 2015 | www.marketrasenmail.co.uk

Local government minister Eric Pickles has rejected an appeal for a wind turbine at Kingerby.

The appeal from Brant Clayton of Happy Days Farming, Lincoln, was rejected because of its effects on air traffic control at RAF Waddington, its impact on the Kingerby Wood Local Wildlife Site and the local landscape.

Mr Pickles agreed with Planning Inspector David C Pinner who said: “The Kingerby Woods Ancient Woodland is an important landscape feature of the area.”

“The proposed turbine would tower above Kingerby Wood. It would seriously diminish the contribution this ancient woodland makes to the quality of the local landscape,” he continued.

“The impacts of the proposed scheme both on aviation safety and on the character and appearance of the local landscape would be so harmful that the presumption in favour of the scheme is clearly outweighed,” Mr Pinner’s report concluded.

The Kingerby rejection follows other similar turbine victories for Sir Edward and the district’s residents. It follows West Lindsey District Council recently determining a modified application at Kingerby as ‘deemed withdrawn’ for failing to overcome previous objections.

“These ominous blades would have swung 165 feet in the air and loomed over our countryside. The Government has been right to back local decision-making so that our district councils aren’t overwhelmed by appeals,

“If Labour gets back into power, we won’t have a friendly ear at the Department anymore, and we could very well be faced with a whole new epidemic of wind farm applications. I hope voters will see off this threat as we have seen off so many before,” he warned.

Kingerby’s district councillor Geoff Wiseman said he had constantly opposed the turbine plan all the way though its planning process.

He fully supported the minister’s decision to reject the turbine, confident it would happen due to MOD radar concerns.

“The parish council and the residents have worked together and opposed this 100 per cent,” Coun Wiseman added.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2015/04/04/eric-pickles-strikes-blow-on-kingerby-wind-turbine/