November 30, 2014
California, Letters

RE: ‘Wind energy faces a turbulent future,’ Nov. 26, A1

The Desert Sun | Letters to the editor for Sunday, November 30 |

Whenever the Desert Sun Editorial Board writes one of their editorials about wind turbine controversies that they say don’t occur here, they usually refer to the Desert Wind Energy Association.

The Desert Wind Energy Association has no Web presence, no address and no phone number. Do you think the Desert Sun editors are referring to Fred Noble? I do. He’s the San Gorgonio Pass wind turbine developer that we’re always reading about in Desert Sun editorials on the wonders of wind energy, and how the tax credit for wind turbines should continually reinstated. He says his wind turbines don’t kill golden eagles and you’ve got a Desert Sun front-page headline.

I want the Desert Sun editors and Mr. Noble to reveal exactly what they know about using taxpayer dollars to make untold millions off the wind turbine business. Then maybe one of us can get a seat on the Air Museum Board, and start buying off politicians and newspapers like Mr. Noble does.

Les Starks,


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