August 23, 2014
Editorials, Michigan

We should know more about wind turbines

Huron Daily Tribune | August 22, 2014 |

Huron County commissioners are considering learning more about the effects of wind energy turbines on local residents.

They are looking at spending more than $10,000 for a noise study, to learn more about the sound, sound pressure, vibrations, low-frequency “noise” and anything else that is being created by local turbines.

Considering Huron County is the state’s leader in wind turbines, and receives many times the study cost in tax revenue from the turbines, this seems like a very reasonable expense. In fact, we feel the county should be leading the way in Michigan wind energy knowledge and expertise.

What other community in Michigan should lead the way if not Huron County? No other community comes close to the number of turbines that are located in Huron County.

The county could have, or perhaps should have, conducted such a study long ago when coming up with the rules and regulations for turbine setbacks. But it did not.

At this time, the best thing to do is move forward.

Professional studies are often expensive, and will seem like a waste of money to some residents. But we feel the health and welfare of county residents who live near turbines is worth it.

And we suspect that any person who has had a health problem they suspect is caused by a turbine will agree. They are the forgotten “little guys,” who themselves cannot afford a $10,000 study to tell them why they are feeling the way they are.

Wind energy has been good – at least financially – for Huron County. We all will benefit from the lower taxes, better roads and parks, and other benefits we receive from this revenue boost. Some of us live very close to the turbines, and some of us hardly ever see them.

The fact is, the turbines bring in large sums of tax revenue. So, let’s take a fraction of that revenue and grow in the knowledge and understanding of how the wind turbines that surround us affect our lives and the lives of our friends and neighbors.

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