May 26, 2014

Muddiford wind turbine would cause ‘serious harm’ to landscape

Andy Keeble | North Devon Gazette | May 26, 2014 |

A government planning inspector has dismissed an appeal to erect a 61-metre-high wind turbine on farmland in Muddiford.

The proposal for Honeywell Farm was rejected due to concerns that it would cause ‘serious harm’ to the character of the surrounding landscape.

Plans for the single turbine on a plateau at Hewish Down were refused by North Devon Council in July last year.

Applicant Richard Berry said the electricity produced would be enough to meet the entire needs of the dairy farm and help safeguard its future.

He argued that the Fullabrook wind farm had already changed the character of the local landscape, but inspector Jessica Graham, who visited the site in February this year, but was unable to uphold the appeal.

She said: “I find that while the proposed development would have considerable benefits, primarily in terms of the provision of electricity from a renewable source, it would also cause serious harm to the character of the local landscape.

“All of the identified benefits of the scheme would be significantly and demonstrably outweighed by the adverse impact it would have upon the character of the local landscape.”

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