March 10, 2014
Letters, Massachusetts

Falmouth’s penance is coming due

Cape Cod Times | March 10, 2014 |

When facts are supported by evidence, they are not matters of belief or opinion. They are simply facts.

It’s no secret there are numerous beliefs and opinions surrounding the Falmouth wind turbine debate. Similarly, there are many facts central to the debate as well. A large portion of those facts was cause for Falmouth’s spring town meeting approval last year of a new wind turbine bylaw. That bylaw revision reduced the size of wind turbines allowed and restricted audible noise level limits.

Yet, facts used to craft the new bylaw, coupled with new facts since last spring, are seemingly the curse of the town’s current affairs with its existing industrial turbines. The town’s twin towers have come to symbolize Falmouth’s wind crucible.

With so many facts pointing to a failed project, why does the town insist on continuing to carry this albatross as penance?

In April, town meeting members will be asked to appropriate close to $475,000 toward wind project deficit and reserves. Isn’t it time Falmouth is guided by facts towards its longed-awaited absolution?

Mark Cool


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