December 4, 2013

Plans for wind-turbines as tall as Nelson’s Column near Etwall and Burnaston resubmitted

Derby Telegraph | December 04, 2013 |

Controversial plans for wind turbines as tall as Nelson’s Column in a Derbyshire villahe have been resubmitted.

Bowler Energy LLP submitted a third set of plans to South Derbyshire District Council for two 45-metre high structures on land near to Burnaston Lane in Etwall.

Work has also started today on a two-week project to build new wind turbines at a sewage works in Spondon.

Severn Trent Water is building the turbines at its sewage treatment centre in Spondon.

It’s predicted they will produce around 10,000 mega watts of electricity – the equivalent to supplying around 3,000 homes with power.

East Midlands Airport had previously claimed the project would pose a “serious safety hazard” to aircraft.

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