November 7, 2013
Indiana, Letters

Big step in the right direction

Kokomo Tribune | November 7, 2013 |

I am so thankful our Tipton County commissioners are taking their time to read the new, amended, changed, and very confusing WECS ordinance before voting. This, so far, has been a big step in the right direction.

One of the things in this ordinance, the complaint process, needs to have “teeth” so that when problems arise, the wind companies have to fix a problem. The people with the complaints have to file and pay $150.00 to do so. Then an arbitrator will hear the complaint. But what happens then? It has been obvious that wind companies (E.ON specifically) have no intent of “fixing” anything.

Thank you for not moving on the new ordinance, and making sure you are protecting the citizens of this county. This has been a very trying process, and has pretty much destroyed relationships in our county.

I still do not understand why we would want to do business with E.ON or any other wind company. I honestly don’t see any other business having such a negative impact on a community like this has. Please protect the people who you represent. If that means a ban, then so be it. If that is the best route, then go that route.

Remember, everyone in this county will vote for a commissioner during elections. Then you will know who the majority really are.

Ann Smith, Sharpsville

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