November 5, 2013
Letters, New Hampshire

Majority of affected residents oppose wind farms on ridgelines

The Laconia Daily Sun | 04 November 2013 |

Forget about the fact that some people can’t sleep because of them. Or that they cause property devaluations by up to 50 percent. Or that they’re a blight on the rural landscape.

Forget about the fact that they make life unlivable for many autistic children. Or that many countries in the world are in the process of abandoning them. Or that they only operate less than 30 percent of the time and often when they’re not needed. Forget about the fact that they create virtually no jobs. Or that they seriously affect tourism. Or that they kill birds, bats and other wildlife.

Forget about the fact that they’re causing the destruction of valuable land. Or that much of their profits go to foreign corporations. Or that they cause tinnitus and other hearing disorders for many people. Forget about the fact that it will likely cost us millions of dollars to decommission them. Or that they’re driving a wedge between rural neighbors. Or that many people suffer headaches, dizziness, vertigo, nausea and other health disorders because of them.

Forget about the fact that they’re so unreliable they require other traditional forms of energy production just to supplement the meager amount of power they produce. Forget that a large portion of wind energy is produced when we don’t need it (at night or in lower-use seasons).

Forget that New Hampshire wind energy is being sent to southern states. Or that N.H. ratepayers will pay more for their electricity because of it. Forget all of it. Just remember this: Industrial wind turbines make absolutely zero economic sense. Hopefully now, the reality is starting to sink in…

Get informed and ask anybody in the towns affected what they think about it. But wait there’s more – Newfound Lake residents, Cardigan Mountain residents and surrounding towns all consider themselves “NOT WILLING HOSTS”. The majority oppose them and that’s a fact. These projects will be a huge disaster for our pristine ridgelines. You want this? We certainly don’t.

Ray Cunningham

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