November 4, 2013

Farmer calls for action on values

Wellington Times | Nov. 4, 2013 |

A farmer from the Fullerton area near Crookwell says property owners in the Bodangora region should join a major tour de force calling for action in the NSW Land and Environment court over plummeting prices near windfarm sites.

Paul Vallely told the Times he was campaigning for local support.

“It is blatantly obvious there is an impact on values of properties near windfarms and the NSW Planning Assessment Commission is ignoring our claims,” he said

“It’s wrong. I explained this to the Planning Assessment Commission at Wellington’s meeting and even tabled a report. This was totally ignored and extracted from the process.

“We propose approaching Wellington Council to get rates reduced on those effected by these windfarms and we are talking with and encouraging residents in Bodangora to join us in a class action to the Land and Environment court.

“In Bodangora some properties are vulnerable to sub division down the track and for many it’s their superannuation plan but if the price crashes what hope have they got?”

Mr Vallely, who called the Times on Friday morning, said property owners are being ignored and he just wanted to help stand up for them.

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