October 9, 2013
Letters, Vermont

Unfit for residential use

Burlington Free Press | Oct. 09, 2013 | www.burlingtonfreepress.com

Unfit for residential use – this is the designation placed on an area of the map of Burlington by the FAA for when the F-35 is based/used here. Inside this area the noise is damaging to health, to property value – says the FAA.

The same thing happens when a bunch of big wind turbines are placed “for the public good.” This boundary is identified in advance by health and sound experts, and by the experience at already-installed “wind farms.” Depending on terrain, this area is anything within one-to-three miles of a turbine which can be turned off whenever anybody tries to measure the damage.

“Unfit for residential use” – when the governor labels your home thusly, when the PSB labels your area thusly, when the wind developer labels your family thusly, you’d think there would be some recourse, some victim compensation: but, no, there’s nothing but further abuse as the governor (and the PSB and the wind developers and the wind cult fanatics ). “Not my problem”

Another name for an area “unfit for residential use” is a sacrifice zone. And the boundary is still one-to-three miles from any functioning wind turbine measured in megawatts. Megawatts, mega-damage, mega-fraud, mega-lies.

Another energy source – fracking – also creates sacrifice zones unfit for humans or for animals – the water gets poisoned.

Too bad that these maps of “death zones” don’t get published for all to see; I guess we’ll have to wait for the class-action lawsuits to put these maps on the map, for the public to see.



URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/10/09/unfit-for-residential-use/