October 4, 2013
Letters, New Hampshire

We’re being used

Concord Monitor | October 4, 2013 | www.concordmonitor.com

Anyone who thinks that wind turbines are “cool landmarks” has very little understanding of the issues involved. Take a closer look: the acres of clear-cutting along the ridge lines; the resultant dirty runoff muddying our rivers, streams and lakes; the 100-mph blade tips potentially killing eagles and bats; the all-night lights that the FAA requires.

More important, how “cool” will these “landmarks” look years hence, when they become obsolete, the federal subsidies run out, and the foreign companies who built them leave rusting, useless, monstrous eyesores dotting our countryside?

New Hampshire, being a net exporter of energy, doesn’t need the power; Connecticut and Massachusetts do. So why should we allow the natural beauty of our landscape to be compromised for the benefit of those states? Folks, wake up; we’re being used! If those states want wind power, let them build the wind turbines there!



URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/10/04/were-being-used/