September 30, 2013
Blogs, Ohio

Do wind watts really work? Analysis of LEEDCO Icebreaker Project

Jerry Graf, September 29, 2013,

The Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCO) is proposing a trial project named Icebreaker, which entails placing 6 Siemens 3.0 MW direct drive wind turbines offshore of Cleveland, OH, in Lake Erie. Please refer to this Cleveland Plain Dealer article on the subject, and also this WKSU report.

An analysis of the proposal is attached here ( Icebreaker Turbine Analysis ) , and indicates some very unflattering realities about the proposal:

Additional considerations:

Once again, other than the damage to the economy of the waste itself, the real problem with mandating and subsidizing non-viable energy technology projects is that this distracts us and diverts resources from other efforts to improve our energy production strategy. Unfortunately, some of the arguments used to justify the mandates and subsidies are more political and emotional than logical.

There is no doubt that we in the USA need to alter our energy strategy. The question of how we will change it, however, needs to be determined by scientific evaluation of fact and logical analysis of performance and economics; not by emotion, political considerations, and “feel good” methodologies.

URL to article: