September 15, 2013
Indiana, Letters

Tipton County has paid a heavy price

Kokomo Tribune | September 15, 2013 |

As I sit here, day after day, reading the paper on the local issue of wind and property rights, I truly try to look at all the discussions and all the materials that are brought to the public for thought. I then start going back and watching the tapes of our meetings, digesting where we have been and what has been said about procedure and legalities.

Questions have been asked of us all – citizens, lawyers, BZA members. I will remind those of you following this, at the first BZA meeting at Tipton High School, one of the first questions asked of our county attorney and director of the planning board was from Mr. Acres. He asked whether he was right in thinking that money should not be an issue in the BZA consideration for a ruling. He repeated the question a couple of times. Finally, Mr. Edson responded he agreed.

The outcome of that meeting did not make me or the majority of those in attendance happy, as the BZA approved the permit for juwi to continue under two stipulations: One, 1,500-foot setbacks from any property line and, two, a property value guarantee for the people.

Ever since that meeting juwi has been doing the backstroke, trying to find a way out and/or around giving a property value guarantee.

Interesting enough, the few leaseholders who were there in the wee hours of the morning for the decision were just as happy as could be, feeling they had won out because of the approval. I overheard one gentleman say, “I told you we would beat these CRD people.”

Then they realized the 1,500-foot setback just about stopped the project, and the story changed.

I now refer you to the first BZA meeting, where the director of the planning board said he agreed money was not the issue. Now the stories are never-ending as to how the money is to save the fifth- or sixth-generation farm.

How long did you have to pay for your property? Many of these were inherited. All you hear is money. Money is the flat truth of the issue for those who are seeking to cover this county with wind farms.

Why would I say such a thing? Let’s see, the proponents of wind will tell you they don’t believe wind farms will devalue our homes. All those who believe that, stand on your head.

Look at the Windfall fiasco. People living with noise above the set limits, people’s sleep being affected, cellphones disrupted, satellite TV disrupted, property values being affected. Sadly enough, when we ask for help for these people, our leaders are at a loss to help. So why would we ever even consider any more of this mess?

Thanks for those who have tried to protect our way of life and volunteered to serve on boards to try to represent all of the county. We need to understand, some have had their way so long you will never make them happy. Thank goodness they are the minority!

Let’s send wind out of here. Tipton County has paid the price … may the healing begin.

Mike Baden


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