August 23, 2013

Planning Board 3-2 on zoning change limiting wind turbines

By Emily Dravenstadt | Wicked Local Plymouth | Posted Aug 23, 2013 |

PLYMOUTH – The Planning Board voted 3-2 Monday night to recommend adoption of an amendment to the town’s wind turbine bylaw.

The amendment includes the creation of a Wind Facilities Overlay District, which would corral wind turbines greater than 100 feet in height within its borders. The district would mean that wind turbines proposed outside of this new zone could not exceed that height.

The proposed amendment goes further to prohibit wind turbines greater than 350 feet in height to the tip of the blade and to render the noise and flicker requirements more stringent. Among other proposed changes, revisions are also proposed to the bonding and removal requirements and would bolster abutter notification requirements.

For the complete story see the Weekend edition of the Old Colony Memorial or visit this website for updates.

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