July 18, 2013
Indiana, Letters

Federal subsidies: What doctor ordered

Kokomo Tribune | July 18, 2013 | kokomotribune.com

There is a lot of information available on the health issues related to wind turbines. The Tipton County Wind Farm Communications Committee has identified the “Nocebo Effect” as the root cause of Wind Turbine Syndrome. This pro-wind turbine group apparently has a built in immunity to this communicable disease.

The immunity must be a result of years of federal farm subsidies. And there is little chance they will contract the disease now or in the future, because they will receive annual booster shots known as lease payments.

I am not sure that giving subsidy-exempt citizens in Tipton County annual $10,000 payments to cure the Wind Turbine Syndrome will actually work, but why not give it a try? Maybe it’s too late already, or maybe new, bigger turbines will create a newer incurrable health condition.

Perhaps one of the wind energy companies can give money to a government-subsidized university to pay for a study, thereby giving the Nocebo Effect some credibility.

Next there is a firsthand report that riding in a rental car will make wind farm residents immune to shadow flicker and vibrations caused by wind turbines. I am not sure if just sitting in a rental car near a wind farm will relieve the symptoms or whether you have to travel on an interstate highway at 65 mph with the windows down to relieve the symptoms. The rental car companies might be interested in making additional payments for credible studies.

If rental cars do indeed cure Wind Turbine Syndrome, this will mean increased rental car profits – a win-win situation for them. And if the Wind Farm Communications Committee gives credibility to the study, it will probably create mass hysteria and traffic jams on Interstate 65.

But wait a minute – wasn’t the Tipton County Citizens for Responsible Development accused by the Citizens Action Coalition of being a part of Big Oil’s plot to discredit wind turbines? Seems to me Big Oil would want to help with the wind turbine health studies to put more rental cars on the road. Again, a win-win for Big Oil.

And finally the Citizens Action Coalition will have to stand in front of a wind turbine to cool off from all the heat it will receive for supporting both Big Oil and green energy. Or it could wish for a non-existent ice throw.

Russell Turk


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/07/18/federal-subsidieswhat-doctor-ordered/