July 11, 2013

Group AGHAST at number of wind turbines

The Berwickshire News | Published on 11/07/2013 | www.berwickshirenews.co.uk

Greenlaw and Hume residents concerned about the impact wind turbines are having on the area have formed their own action group.

Members of AGHAST (Action in Greenlaw and Hume Against the Spread of Turbines) believe too many intrusive industrial structures for wind power have already been approved or are in the pipeline.

They range from single and twin turbines to large-scale commercial wind farms.

Seven such schemes impacting on Greenlaw and Hume are already at the application or pre-application stage. They follow an earlier approval of a scheme at Easter Howlaws and the allowing of another on appeal at Bassendeanhill.

The group, who launched their campaign at the recent Greenlaw Festival, feel current proposals by TCI Renewables to erect a large-scale industrial wind farm just to the west of Greenlaw would have a severely detrimental effect on the village.

The proposed development consists of nine 100-metre turbines at Rumbletonrig on the A697.

AGHAST believe that the area of predominantly natural, unspoilt farmland location is unsuited to large-scale development. The group says that means it would contradict planning policy and planning guidelines.

A spokesperson said: “We all love the open skies and striking landscape vistas of Berwickshire, and some of us were drawn to settle here in the first place for that very reason. Now these are rapidly being spoilt, on a scale unknown in other parts of the Borders and the UK, as greedy energy companies, richly rewarding a few land-owners, seek to cash in on the public subsidies currently available for wind energy.

“Many questions are now being raised about its actual economic benefits, the negative effects on our carbon footprint, and the increasing body of evidence that people’s health is harmed by their noise, flicker and low frequency vibrations.

“Wind farms cause property values to plummet and make some houses unsellable.

“We must fight to save what remains of an area once famed for its unspoilt beauty.”

When the planning application for Rumbletonrig is lodged, AGHAST intend to call a public meeting to which specialists will be invited so that the community can find out for themselves how the proposed development might affect them and their family.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/07/11/group-aghast-at-number-of-wind-turbines/