June 26, 2013
Indiana, Letters

Government will control leaseholders’ land

Gov’t will control leaseholders’ land | Kokomo Tribune | 26 June 2013 | kokomotribune.com

I have been silent on wind energy for a while; my colleagues have done a good job on the issue. I can no longer sit back on this issue!

Science teacher Bill White and former teacher Karen Tyner Adams both think this green energy is wonderful. My reaction to this is simply, “Why are countries changing their ordinances to much larger setbacks from homes?” Examples: Germany, 1.5 miles from homes; Australia, 3.1 miles, I can go on. They are some of the countries with three or four decades of experience on wind turbines.

Do you think it is because of animals or people that they made the change? I have two teachers in the family, and they both did their homework and are against wind turbines. At max, they are 30 percent effective. What do you think we will have to back them up with, so we can have electricity 100 percent of the time?

As for the Tipton County Wind Farm Communications’ letter, we had a farmer the other night tell us that upon receiving a contract from the wind turbine company, he took it to his attorney and asked him what he thought of it. The attorney said, “Do you want to have the government control your land for 30 years?” The normal answer is no!

The best this group can hope for is that we win. This will save their land from government control! This group also calls itself a wind farm group. The only farm part of this company is that it plants 300 tons of concrete in the ground for each wind turbine.

I thought good farm ground was to plant crops or raise livestock!

Jim Leffler


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/06/26/government-will-control-leaseholders-land/