June 7, 2013
Indiana, Letters

Tipton County pays big price for turbines

Kokomo Tribune | June 7, 2013 | kokomotribune.com

Industrial wind turbines have cost Tipton County a lot.

Tipton County is no longer beautiful from any view.

The love, joy and peace has faded away.

While chasing the wind, no one was minding the store.

Scandals in government and its leaders cost taxpayers extra money.

Secrets and conflicts of interest cost loss of trust and respect.

E.ON officials should have been a wind farm information desk. The people were given attitude, ignored, stressed and given no hope because no one was willing to listen.

They were and are forced to live among industrial turbines. For what, costly so-called green energy?

Even worse, division of communities, loss of longtime friendships, families divided, and arrogance, telling people to leave if they don’t like the change.

Sounds friendly! Everyone puts their pants on the same way: one leg at a time.

Money, control and influence have ruled Tipton County for years. Is it working? It’s still on the decline. Industrial wind turbines – is that truly the answer?

There are no winners in this battle.

There is no foundation when we have lost humility! A high price to pay for industrial turbines.

Pam Shuck


URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/06/07/tipton-county-pays-big-price-for-turbines/