May 13, 2013
Letters, Ontario

There are still problems to resolve

The Sachem | May 13, 2013 |

There are a lot of problems yet to be resolved before one blade on any of the Industrial Wind Turbines (IWTs) should be allowed to turn.

The vibrancy fund makes it impossible for council to make the IWT companies do anything or criticize anything that they wish to do. If this is not true (and I find that hard to believe) I would recommend the following:

1. The mayor and council hold a public meeting (I recommend a large venue or several separate meetings) as to what their plans are for the future (if they have any). A gathering of information from the public would also help our mayor. The meeting(s) would not be about rehashing what has happened in the past. Remember, the Liberals forced these on us; now it is up to our mayor to help us make the best of a bad situation.

2. There were no building permits required by the individual land owners, as I understand the Liberal Green Energy Act made this not necessary. So it seems that no safety inspection was done by the County (not sure it even has a qualified person for IWTs), during and after construction. I assume, then, we all must take the word of these turbine companies that we all trust so much that all is ok. Just does not seem right, does it?

3. I was told by the mayor that the vibrancy fund would only be used in rural Haldimand, on things such as road improvements, etc. I sure hope this does not include the damage done to our roads by the IWT companies on many of our roads during the construction phase. The mayor should inform us all as soon as possible as to what roads are going to be taken care of properly and not just patched up. I sure hope the removal of the heavy load spring restriction was done by the Green Energy Act and not the mayor; I am sure he can answer that in his weekly editorial.

4. Where do we turn if we have a concern about the IWTs in Haldimand ? I recommend that the mayor assign one person at city hall to record all complaints and suggestions with the IWTs. This person would be armed with all the information, phone numbers, contact persons etc. of the IWT companies. This person should report at council meetings to keep all informed and up-to-date on Haldimand’s IWTs.

5. What’s next? Let’s get rid of the Green Energy Act.

6. After that, let’s lower the electricity bills. Sorry, I was just dreaming of what could have been.

Ken Brownell, Selkirk

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