May 13, 2013
Letters, North Carolina

Monday’s wind-power articles needed labels

The Daily News | May 13, 2013 |

As I read the two promotions about wind energy in Monday’s paper, I kept looking for the “Paid Advertisement” notice. No luck. Maybe it was because they were benevolently inserted for free. My suggestion is that the editors clearly label such future articles as “Unpaid Advertisement.”

These submissions are part of a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign that is based on one premise: Most people are easily fooled. How else does one explain that the “experts” referenced were wind developers and paid third-party promoters? It’s like having a big write up extolling the benefits of air travel and citing American Airlines as an objective source. Then, for good measure, also quoting the pilot’s union.

There is one – and only one – reason for us to use wind energy (offshore or on): That there is scientific proof that it is a net societal benefit to us. (An appropriate assessment would consist of an objective technical, economic and environmental evaluation.) If a masochistic reader wades through all the obfuscation in those pieces, they will find no such evidence. Big surprise! Don’t be fooled by such tripe.

John Droz Jr.

Morehead City

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