May 8, 2013
New York

FAA: Wind turbines in Litchfield could negatively impact aviation

Observer-Dispatch | Posted May 07, 2013 |

A proposed wind turbine project in the town Litchfield exceeds obstruction standards, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

In 11 letters sent to Ridgeline Energy – which has proposed 492-feet high wind turbines in the area – the administration warns that the structures would exceed height standards unless they were reduced to between 85 feet and 175 feet depending on the location.

The proposals for the turbines were located in Clayville, a village in the town, according to the letters.

It was determined that the wind turbines would adversely affect Utica Vortac, a navigation device for aircrafts in the area unless the height is decreased.

The letter also indicated that the turbines could have an “adverse physical or electromagnetic interference effect upon navigable airspace or air navigation.”

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