April 20, 2013
Australia, Letters

Spin from Victorian Wind Alliance

An abridged version of this letter appeared in the Weekly Times on 17 April 2013 |An abridged version of this letter appeared in the Weekly Times on 17 April 2013 |

I refer to “No Complaints” W.T. April 3, 2013. The author Andrew Bray, refers to the new study from the University of Sydney.

Professor Chapman (no doubt involved in this study but not qualified in medicine, rather a sociologist) and Tim Flannery, also aligned with the wind industry, have both been very busy with the local media in south-west Victoria lately.

However, this “new study” could not possibly have included the massive Macarthur wind factory.

AGL/Meridian Energy certainly could not claim that, to quote Mr. Bray “about 99 per cent of the people living around wind farms,” do so comfortably, near the Macarthur wind factory, the largest in the southern hemisphere of 140 turbines 3MW.

This is simply NOT TRUE in the case of the Macarthur wind factory.

Residents have copies of over 100 written complaints made to AGL during the first four months of operation, not inclusive of the multitude of complaints made via the AGL hotline. Many of the worst impacted families live several kilometres from turbines, and one impacted family 7 kms from closest turbines.

The first family moved away from the district ten days ago, due to the impact of the infrasound/low frequency noise on their children’s health, less than two months after all turbines became operational.

“Drought proofing” properties has been a handy catch phrase used by wind developers and host landowners alike for many years now. South-west Victoria is one of the most reliable agricultural districts in Australia, and what a shame to see it destroyed by the proliferation of wind turbines the Victorian Wind Alliance would like to see. Our Macarthur average rainfall is 34 inches. We don’t always receive this rainfall, but we are the envy of many in Australia. Our 2011 rainfall was 50 inches, hardly “drought prone” country !!!

As more affected residents are speaking out about their health impacts, the “little pigs with their snouts in the trough” are beginning to squeal. They’re worried that the buckets and buckets of taxpayer subsidy just may not last forever …..

Wake up Victoria.

Annie Gardner,

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/04/20/spin-from-victorian-wind-alliance/