April 18, 2013
Hawaii, Letters

Allegation about vote a misstatement

Honolulu Star-Advertiser | 18 April 2013 |Honolulu Star-Advertiser | 18 April 2013 |

As an elected member of the Koolauloa Neighborhood Board, I was stunned to read fellow member Kent Fonoimoana’s letter regarding his proposal to place certain limitations on wind turbines in our part of the island (“Wind turbine buffer needs to be wider,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, April 15).

He wrote that the board did not allow for public comment, an apparent violation of the Sunshine Law.

He failed to mention that it was his supporters who, almost to a man, stated that public input was not allowed on this kind of resolution. Only one person in the opposition asked that public input be withheld, and she was acting based on misinformation. The minutes and the Olelo broadcast will clearly show that I based my opposition on the very fact that the public had not been permitted to speak on this issue.

Two others voted to abstain, as there was an incredible amount of confusion as to what additions and deletions were being proposed to his resolution.

The public needs to know the truth, not Fonoimoana’s biased interpretation of the facts.

Michael Sudlow

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/04/18/allegation-about-vote-a-misstatement/