March 19, 2013
Letters, Maine

Saponic Pond value

Bangor Daily News | Posted March 19, 2013 |

In 2000, I purchased Black Island, in the middle of Saponic Pond, because of the beauty and majesty of Passadumkeag Mountain. A little bit of Maine not covered with industrial sprawl.

This was before the discussion of wind turbines being built on Passadumkeag. I already see 14 wind turbines with their nightly red pulsating lights, aircraft beacons, to the north of my island.

Now Texas-based company Quantum Utility is appealing the decision of the Department of Environmental Protection to deny its permit on grounds of “unreasonable scenic impact.”

Quantum Utility and Reed and Reed propose to build 460-foot industrial turbines to the east and southeast of my island. How will I be able to enjoy the starry night sky? I will be surrounded by 28 turbines, a victim of the cumulative effect of industrial wind turbine proliferation. Do people think they will stop there?

In reading Jackson Parker’s March 18 OpEd, “ Let wind turbines stand on Passadumkeag Mountain,” I took offense at his comments on water quality. We cook, swim, fish and wash with Saponic Pond water, and we have since we purchased our island.

It’s interesting to note that his piece primarily addresses the financial aspect of the wind development. His position is off source; the issue at hand is the denial of a permit by the DEP, on grounds of “unreasonable scenic impact.”

My question to anyone who reads the OpEd: How would you like an industrial wind turbine development surrounding your vacation dream spot?

William Wilson


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